We are loosing Art in our schools. It seems that only magnet schools, private, and some special charter schools are the only schools that see the value in teaching art in their classrooms. Why has so many public schools dropped the subject from their curriculum? I know that there are some teachers that try to make time in school art, I say “great job’’ for them. But even they struggle to find art supplies, and when they try to ask for the school for supplies, chance are the will be turned down. Some school principles even worn teachers not to have any art related lessons. One school I know doesn’t even allow the kindergarten classes to have art. But the teachers still manage to get by making crafts related to other subjects, good for them! I wonder when or who made the decision to take art out of our elementary schools.
I know that students have the opportunity to take elective art classes in Junior High and especially in High school. But some Jr. High schools still do not provide courses. And who made it an elective? For what I’ve learned throughout school, that history has proven Art has been the beginning of knowledge. The earliest forms of writing and language have come from artists. The first architects and mathematicians used art to create the most phenomenal structures on earth that still stand to day. Some of the greatest minds were artists like Leonardo De Vinci, George Washington Carter, and John Trumbell. America was built on democracy, which came from the Greeks. The Greeks and Romans had a high love for arts. All the first scientists came from countries that saw and respected the value of art in society.
In today’s technological age, I believe that it is even more valuable to give our students the values and skills that art provides. The demand for visual or graphic art is increasing dramatically especially in: retail, business, marketing, media, and of course computers and the internet. Art will always promote critical thinking and creativity. It is the one subject that binds all the core subjects together.


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