Lack of Technology in the Classroom

Today in our society, we are in a time where technology is essential in mostly every job. Unfortunately our schools do not have the sufficient funds for computers or make the time in the schools' curriculum to use technology in the classroom. 
The first reason why we lack the use of technology in today’s classrooms is because of the lack of funds our schools get. Only schools that are considered to be low-income get additional money from the federal government for anything that will enhance the school. These schools are called Title 1 schools and they usually use the money for technology by providing students with a computer lab. The problem with that is that most classes only have the opportunity to use the computer lab once a week for 45 minutes. On the other hand schools with prestige perform well because the students use computers. How do these schools do it? Well they have the support of wealthy parents and donate money for schools. These parents ensure that the schools have the necessary tools to teach children and they understand the importance of technology in the classroom.. They also have supportive parents who do fundraisers to raise money for such a thing has having 10 computers in each classroom compared to 1-3 computers in a low-income community school. Unfortunately the schools that are not Title 1 and do not live in a high-income community still struggle with tight school budgets and usually can not afford an entire computer lab, let alone the salary for Computer Lab Teacher.
We do have some schools that have 4-5 computers in the classroom or at least one. Teachers have to use their class time to teach the core subjects. There is often so much curriculum to cover for district benchmarks, that the time for students to use computers is limited. This is because teachers are so busy making sure students master the standards needed to pass districts benchmarks. School districts "strongly encourages" teachers to increase their students test scores and raise district API scores. It is now all about test scores and testing and testing. This focuses the classroom away from extra curricular subjects, like computer technology, toward the basic core subjects.

The first reason why we lack the use of technology in today’s classrooms is because of the lack of funds our schools get. Only schools that are considered to be low-income get additional money from the federal government for anything that will enhance the school. These schools are called Title 1 schools and they usually use the money for technology by providing students with a computer lab. The problem with that is that most classes only have the opportunity to use the computer lab once a week for 45 minutes. On the other hand schools with prestige perform well because the students use computers. How do these schools do it? Well they have the support of wealthy parents and donate money for schools. These parents ensure that the schools have the necessary tools to teach children and they understand the importance of technology in the classroom.. They also have supportive parents who do fundraisers to raise money for such a thing has having 10 computers in each classroom compared to 1-3 computers in a low-income community school. Unfortunately the schools that are not Title 1 and do not live in a high-income community still struggle with tight school budgets and usually can not afford an entire computer lab, let alone the salary for Computer Lab Teacher.
We do have some schools that have 4-5 computers in the classroom or at least one. Teachers have to use their class time to teach the core subjects. There is often so much curriculum to cover for district benchmarks, that the time for students to use computers is limited. This is because teachers are so busy making sure students master the standards needed to pass districts benchmarks. School districts "strongly encourages" teachers to increase their students test scores and raise district API scores. It is now all about test scores and testing and testing. This focuses the classroom away from extra curricular subjects, like computer technology, toward the basic core subjects.